Andre organisasjoner.


Danmark - Gifted Children

GiftedChildren har holdt på siden 2003. Se gjerne nettsiden til GiftedChildren i Danmark for mye god informasjon om evnerike barn.

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Sverige - Filurium

Anita Kullander, skolepsykolog i Rättvik kommune, har startet Filurum hvor det er mye relevant informasjon

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Storbritania - PotentialPlus UK

PotentialPlus UK har holdt på vesentlig lenger enn Lykkelige Barn, og har en stor organisasjon og mange gode tiltak på gang for både familier, foreldre og pedagoger.

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Tyskland - DGhK

Deutsche Gesellschaft für das hochbegabte Kind

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Scotland - SNAP

The Scottish Network for Able Pupils has specialised in teaching and learning for highly able pupils for over 15 years. SNAP has offered support and advice to the Scottish Education system in three main areas: publications, staff development and national conferences.

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SENG’s mission is to empower families and communities to guide gifted and talented individuals to reach their goals: intellectually, physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually.

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USA - Hoagies Gifted

Hoagies' Gifted Education Page

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New Zealand - Centre for Gifted Education

Provides specialist services in Gifted Education.

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South Africa - Gifted Children

Gifted Children South Africa is an organisation dedicated to help parents and teachers of gifted children in South Africa. We aim to prevent gifted children from being misdiagnosed – ADHD/Asperger’s/class clown and many other diagnosis that mimic giftedness (see our 2e tab). Our gifted children are special, but a little different. We need to advocate for our children. They need the right kind of education and need to be understood and accepted.

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Mensa Norge er en forening for de 2 % høyest intelligente i befolkningen. Medlemmene har bekreftet sitt intelligensnivå gjennom en godkjent IQ-test.

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